The recent shutdown of the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U stores has created a tumultuous atmosphere among gamers. While the closures of the stores were an inevitable part of the life cycle of consoles, they sparked a storm of anger, disappointment, and fear. As the game industry continues its transition into its 9th generation, the fate of physical media will inevitably become a concern. As more people abandon physical media, it will become increasingly difficult to play and preserve older games.
Cloud Computing
The gaming industry has become increasingly dependent on cloud computing, which will eventually free game developers from the restrictions of processing power and hard drive space. These advancements are expected to transform the video game industry over the next decade. Until then, however, it is still unclear how the future of gaming technology will look like.
Today’s video games are changing our lives, offering more social interaction and audiovisual experiences. While the first generation of gamers began playing video games at a young age, many are now forty or 50 years old. In the coming decades, this generation will grow old, and gaming will continue to be an integral part of their lives. The future of gaming will be dominated by immersive experiences.
Game Preservation
Despite the rapid changes in the medium, it’s important to keep in mind that video game preservation has only recently begun to gain legitimacy. As a result, amateur preservationists and collectors are not fully qualified to handle such delicate materials. However, amateur preservationists and gamers are still able to do their part and preserve video game history.
There are several attempts at preserving video games, but the best approach is to keep the games for scholarly use. This means seeking permission from rights holders for scholarly use. However, there’s still a long way to go before the general public can enjoy video games as a recreational activity.
Future of Video Games
Several technological advances are shaping the future of video games, including virtual reality and cloud gaming. More games will become cross-platform, which will change the way we experience the medium. With these advances, gaming will become a more normal part of our culture. In a decade or two, it is likely that gaming will become more mainstream and will become more commonplace.
Despite the popularity of video games, this genre is becoming increasingly critical and can become a forum for critical media theory. In particular, the emergence of new technologies and the growth of mobile gaming are driving the evolution of video games. In addition, innovative game consoles and devices, along with a host of innovative game styles, including action games, high-definition displays, and wearable tech, are changing the way we view and play video games.